Saturday, December 19, 2009


AppleTrans allows you to track terminology in order to maintain high levels of consistency throughout your document. Set up your translation as shown in How to AppleTrans, with your source in a translation document and an open translation memory window for the translation.

Now create a second translation memory that will serve as the glossary and save it with a name like "Project Glossary" that makes the purpose of this memory obvious.

In the main translation memory window, click the small colored Terminology button on the bottom (in my setup a purple number 6, but you can tell by the tooltip). A panel named Terminology should slide out of the window. Check the Auto Verification button and select "Project Glossary" (or the name of the glossary memory file that you chose) from the popup menu.

To add terms as you translate, select the term in both the source and translation and option-click the Verify button on the translation panel. You should see it appear in the glossary memory window as a new record. Click verify again (no option key this time) and you should see the term appear in black in the terminology panel. Now, whenever you get a source sentence that contains the source term, it will appear in red in the terminology panel if it does not appear in the translation to remind you to include it in a consistent manner.

Don't forget to save your glossary file as you add terms to prevent data loss.

Quick Reminder Section:

Add term: select term in both source and target, then option-click Verify in the Terminology panel.

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